
Upcoming Concerts (feat. Giovanna and/or the Gamba)

27.04.2024, Altensteig (DE), Ensemble Phoenix München- A Day with Suzanne: a Tribute to Leonard Cohen.

03.05.2024, Langenthal (CH), Ensemble Histoirefuture, Auszüge aus Musica Transalpina: Musik im Kontext der Geschichte, Gegenwart und Zukunft des Alpenraumes. Mehr Infos zur Veranstaltung hier.

11.5.2024, Carona (CH), Concerto di Margherita, Il Gioco della Cieca: a tribute to love’s blindness through Italian music from the late 16th century, sung and played by self-accompanying musicians. More information on the event here.

21.5.2024, Firenze (IT), L’Homme armé: In Terra Pax, Musica per i signori di Firenze a Ferrara. Informazioni e biglietti disponibili qui.

2.6.2024, Basel (CH), Atelier Zvi Szir, Sperrstrasse 67, 18:00, Ensemble Anima Vaga.

16.6.2024, Saint Céré, Lot (FR), Soloindue, solo programme for viol and voice

22.6.2024, Cremona (IT), Festival Monteverdi 2024: Voces Suaves, Monteverdi’s Muse